Monday 14 July 2014

Some Good News

Hello Some Good Crowd...lots of news to share about the upcoming Some Good Market Goes to Town on August 16.

First...lots of our wonderful vendors will be on hand as usual...and they have been donating a huge assortment of their wares to the door prize...and its worth more than $1000!

Second...look for our flyer in your mailbox or where you work or will have info about the event and if you bring it with gets you an extra chance to win the doorprize.

And finally... because Starvation Doesn't Take a Vacation...we will be collecting foodstuffs for the Community Food Sharing fill the huge kitchen (a bus is too small) with non-perishables for local foodbanks. At 4 pm their volunteers will truck the food back to the warehouse to be weighed and valued! So exciting! Check out their website at

Stay tuned for updates! Check out Some Good Market on Facebook and Twitter and please share share share so we can make this event #somegood for our vendors, patrons and foodbanks.

SGM is located at Canonwood Hall, St. Thomas' Church, 8 Military Road across from Coffee Matters when it goes to town about once a month.

Want to be a vendor at this or any of our scheduled events? Contact us at for more info.